Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Holidays from Eric!

Happy Holidays and a big "thank you!" to everyone out there for your support and interest!

Its been an exciting and busy year and the new year is shaping up to be full of surprises, wonderment and cups of coffee.

All the best to you & yours...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Birthday fun...

I've been enjoying whipping up some sketches for friends and posting them on facebook upon notification of their birthdays!

Here's a few:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hollerween 2008!

LinkIts that time again! New zombie print for sale at Looks Can Kill in Calgary, Tart Gallery in Vancouver or by emailing me.

Also for sale is last year's Zombie lovers for $25 plus shipping...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Steve's Wedding stuff

Congratulations to my lil' brother and new lil' sister-in-law! They kindly asked me to design their wedding invites, and were even brave enough to let me do the lettering!

The RSVP card:

The inevitable powerpoint of baby bottoms and goofy school photos was a wedding highlight, and I was asked to whip up some title screens for the slideshow segments.

Thanks to the happy couple and we all wish them all the best!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Diggin' Draplin

I'm walking around grinning like a doofus these days sporting some pretty sweet duds from the inimitable Draplin Design Co...and fired of a little sketch to show my appreciation. This appreciation was returned with a lovely little write-up on their a quick "Hello" to all you Draplin link-following folk...Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Curse-d Cookies

Boy, and I thought the bakery in Sackville (mmm...ginger snaps) was all I had to worry about!
Thanks to Michele & Dan, I now have to worry about over-consumption of "Mrs. Dunster's Wholewheat Donut Holes" which are apparently exclusive to the maritimes as well.

Doesn't everything sound better with "wholewheat" in front of it?

"Why yes, I'd love another piece of that wholewheat chocoate cheesecake*!" See?

*--please note, there is no such thing as wholewheat chocolate cheesecake...

IF: Detach

A quick IF today, then off to walk the puppy...

This was actually drawn on a yellow notepad, but I faked it on the computer for a cleaner finished product...what can i say?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Drawing amidst the heat...

NB has been hot this week...don't know what a humidex is, but it sounds diabolical. Poor puppy...she's like a slobbery rug on the hardwood floor...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Draw Yourself as a Teen

click for bigger

You knew I'd have to get in on internet time, its probably not even cool to draw yourself as a teen appropriate time for me to jump in I guess.

The meme seems to be dwelling here:

Friday, May 02, 2008

IF: Seed

Took a break from a caricature to whip up this wee little seed for Illustration Friday. Felt a little ominous (might be the Gary Panter interview I'm listening too...who knows) so I tried to cheer it up with colours.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

May 3 is Free Comic Book Day!

I will be at Gamezilla in Moncton for Free Comic Book Day. Come on down and say "Hi!" and make some comics, do some sketches...might even be making some Artist Trading Cards (Moncton really needs to get on board with those!).

See you there!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

IF: Pet Peeves

We had a few days of spring (before winter returned with an icestorm and more snow last week) revealing multiple layers of garbage, broken glass and of poop.

Its the 21st century! Pick up yer poop!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

IF: Heavy

You know spring is ready to get sprung when you are walking the pup-dog along the shore of the lake and the huge, thick plates of ice begin shifting, overlapping and cracking in half. What a sound! Like a deep thunder with a bright sharp splitting sound...

My ke-rack is no Don Martin onomatopoeia, but does the trick...speaking of onomatopoeia, had visit to Ape-lad's latest project yet?

Friday, March 14, 2008

Spring Thaw

Hey everyone, Yes! I am still around...drawing and trying to stay warm! Why did I organize my studio space so far from the woodstove?

There are a few projects on the go right now, at various stages of development...a big project that is in its early sketch stages is an exciting research experience (thank goodness for google books) as well as an intruiging fusion of my education and cartooning backgrounds.

Here is a little peek at some of that project's upcoming imagery:

I am really enjoying getting to meet all of the cartooning and art stars in our new home city...and have been welcomed into the community enthusiastically.

A nearby rural school (home to Scott Tingley of Comics in the Classroom fame) has seemingly adopted me (!) as one of their own...and we had a wonderful time working together and I look forward to further workshops and opportunities to collaborate with all these great kids.

(photo from RCS)

One of the workshops involved working with the Grade 3s on their logo for a website full of their comics, writing and other literacy projects...eventually we all agreed on some ideas for the lettering and I produced a banner for the website based on all of the wonderfully quirky ideas:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

IF: Multiple

For Teri, by request!

Won't be able to get to colouring this in the next few days, so we will have to enjoy it in its monochromatic splendor.

Thanks to all the Illustration Friday folks that have stopped by to say hello!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Frye Festival Lecture

Was fortunate enough to hear about a lecture being given by Philip André Collette here in Moncton on Frye's Educated Imagination. André is a friend of ours, and it was great to see his presentation....he's a very dynamic and empassioned speaker,

Sketching at Teri's knitting night...

More sketching at the Craft & Draught with Teri...lots of animated characters and people sitting still! i was able to spend a little more time than usual watching facial expressions...

Saturday, February 09, 2008

IF: Choose

Wishful thinking...I know, the little stinker! And always my expensive shoes and not the cheap ones. How does she know??

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Pictures for Stacey

Helping out Stacey with a some pretty fun pictures in the end!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Eric Does the Comix Jam poster!

"For the gang in Moncton and environs:

Okay, we're de retour after skipping December...

The next monthly Monkeytown Comix Jam is this coming Monday, January 28 at the Laundromat (corner of Cameron and St.-George.) Starts about 7pm; ends when Marky kicks us out. (Usually 2am.)

Show up! Drink beer! Draw comix and stuff!

Ke, pis on est back apres avoir sauté le mois de decembre...

Le prochain Monkeytown Comix Jam aura lieu lundi le 28 janvier au cafe Laundromat (angle Cameron et Saint-George.) On commence, comme toujours, vers 19h.

Venez! Boire de la biere! Faites des bedes... et stuff."

Friday, January 04, 2008

Mon Qui Towne is online!

I've finally found a home for the comic strip I started this year...its still in its infant stages, but here we go! Each strip is based either wholly or in part on conversations had/overheard and people I've met here in our new home in Moncton, NB. The conversations usually end up with a hearty "How d'ya like THAT, Alberta-boy??", but I haven't found it necessary to include that...

Here's the link...
If you think your home paper, alt-weekly, etc would be a happy home for Mon Qui Towne, please contact me @

Thanks to Scott & BOOM magazine for giving me an excuse to get started...