Saturday, July 14, 2007

Illustration Friday: Discovery

Hey IF folks!

Illustration Friday's word this week is "Discovery". Haven't drawn with pencil in a while...

Just moved last month, and cleaning is under way in the new home. Under (what is apparently 5 years of) dust above a window casing in the masterbedroom...a men's wedding band. Interesting, mysterious and disgusting...the best kind of discovery.


CREATIVEGoddess said...

An interesting short story that would make!

mike & kim said...

HEY! I think thats mine, I lost it fishing in Argentina!

thefridayfrog said...

wow!!! that is a REALLY cool discovery! love the perspective on the hand...really gives it immediacy.

great job!

Tina Poe said...

Great drawing, and great story!


nice drawing! cool banner btw..

imwithsully said...

What a great find! I can imagine all kinds of things for why it was on top of a window. Nice pencil work!!